Wv Rn Board Collaborative Agreement

West Virginia RN Board Collaborative Agreement: What You Need to Know

As a registered nurse in West Virginia, you are probably aware of the importance of working collaboratively with other healthcare professionals in order to provide the best possible care to your patients. To facilitate this collaboration, the West Virginia RN Board has established a Collaborative Agreement requirement for RNs who wish to practice in certain advanced roles.

What is a Collaborative Agreement?

A Collaborative Agreement is a written document outlining the parameters of the RN’s relationship with a collaborating physician or other qualified healthcare provider. The agreement sets forth the scope of the RN’s practice and the role of the collaborating healthcare provider in that practice. The purpose of the agreement is to ensure that the RN is practicing within his or her scope of practice and that the collaborating healthcare provider is available for consultation or referral as needed.

Which RNs Need a Collaborative Agreement?

In West Virginia, RNs who wish to practice in certain advanced roles are required to have a Collaborative Agreement in place. These roles include:

– Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP)

– Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)

– Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM)

– Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)

RNs who wish to practice in these roles must obtain a Collaborative Agreement with a qualified healthcare provider who is licensed in the same or a related field as the RN.

What are the Requirements for a Collaborative Agreement?

The requirements for a Collaborative Agreement vary depending on the RN’s role. However, all agreements must include the following elements:

– The RN’s scope of practice, including the types of procedures and treatments the RN is authorized to perform

– The name and license number of the collaborating healthcare provider

– The frequency and method of communication between the RN and the collaborating healthcare provider

– The process for consultation or referral in the event of a patient emergency or other situation requiring the expertise of the collaborating healthcare provider

– The length of time the Collaborative Agreement will remain in effect

How is a Collaborative Agreement Obtained?

RNs who wish to obtain a Collaborative Agreement must first complete the appropriate education and training for their advanced role. They must also demonstrate proficiency in their practice area by passing an appropriate certification exam.

Once these requirements have been met, the RN must identify a qualified healthcare provider who is willing to collaborate with them. The RN and the collaborating healthcare provider must then work together to draft and sign a Collaborative Agreement that meets the requirements of the West Virginia RN Board.


If you are an RN in West Virginia who wishes to practice in an advanced role, it is important to understand the Collaborative Agreement requirement and to ensure that you have a qualified healthcare provider who is willing to collaborate with you. By working together, you can provide the best possible care to your patients and ensure that you are practicing within your scope of practice.

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