Randi Kassan

National Defective Drug and Medical Devices Attorney

Before joining Sanders Viener Grossman, L.L.P., Randi Kassan, specialized in mass claim insurance litigation for three years at Baker Sanders, L.L.C. Randi graduated from Binghamton University with a B.A. in Psychology and J.D. from Hofstra University Law School. She now specializes in Mass Tort Litigation and is well-known within the industry for her tireless effort, tenaciousness and detail-oriented work.

Randi’s mass tort experience stems from specializing in New Jersey Vioxx litigation discovery, then assisting on the Avandia steering committee, as well as conducting the discovery committee during the Fosamax trial in the Superior court of New Jersey. Furthermore, Ms. Kassan has worked on the Bextra/Celebrex litigation, Oxycontin II litigation, Guidant defibrillator litigation, Zicam Cold and Remedy Litigation, Chantix litigation in Alabama and New York.

Randi is currently representing client’s with injuries from prescription drugs such as Mirena, Actos, Propecia, Crestor, Reglan, Januvia, Byetta, Granuflo and defective devices such as Depuy ASR Hip, Depuy Pinnacle Hips, Stryker Hips, Bone Infuse, Biomet Hips, certain parts of the Zimmer Nexgen Knee and Transvaginal Mesh.

Randi has garnered a plethora of experience and knowledge in the mass tort community by staying intimately involved in all facets of the litigations, specifically Electronic Storage discovery, Party and Non-Party Discovery and Science in multiple mass torts across the country. She is a member of the Steering Committee in Zimmer Nexgen Knee Multi-District litigation in Illinois where she led the negotiations for developing the Case Management Order for Electronic Storage Information (ESI). She also led the negotiations for the Electronic Discovery protocol for the Propecia Multi-District Litigation (MDL) in the Eastern District of New York. Randi was appointed as a steering committee member in the In Re: Fresenius Granuflo/Naturalyte Dialysate Products Liability Litigation in the District of Massachusetts as well as the Mirena litigation in the Southern District of New York. She is a contributing member of the ESI and discovery committees in the Benicar MDL in New Jersey and Mirena Litigation in New York and New Jersey.

Randi is an active member of The Sedona Conference Working Group on electronic discovery. She is a member of the American Association of Justice. She is admitted to practice law in the States of New York, Missouri, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Washington DC. She is admitted to practice in numerous federal courts across the country including the United States District Courts in the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern Districts of New York, Massachusetts and the District of Colorado.
