Mirena Birth Control

The attorneys at Sanders Phillips Grossman are ready to help with injuries sustained by a defective product.

Sanders Phillips Grossman, LLC is a joint venture firm of Phillips Law Firm and Sanders Viener Grossman merging the best of the West Coast and East Coast’s top Mass Tort Firms to join forces against America’s greediest drug and medical device companies.

An estimated 8.5 percent of American women using contraception use a long-term, reversible method such as an intrauterine device (IUD). An IUD is intended to prevent pregnancy for up to five years by emitting hormones after implantation and can be a more convenient option for women who find it difficult to take oral contraceptives on a daily basis. One IUD, marketed under the name Mirena and manufactured by Bayer Pharmaceuticals, has come under scrutiny for its dangerous side effects and has led to many lawsuits claiming the product is “defective and unreasonably dangerous.” Among the many claims of negligence, Bayer is accused of intentionally selling a dangerous product, deceptive advertising and concealing the risk of complications.

Mirena IUD has been in use in Europe since 1991 and was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000. According to FDA reports, there have been more than 45,000 adverse events reported, including device expulsion, device dislocation and vaginal hemorrhage. The Mirena device consists of a small, T-shaped container of flexible plastic that releases continuous doses of a hormone, levonorgesterel, commonly found in oral contraceptives. The hormone thickens the wall of mucous lining the uterus and decreases the motility and survival rates of sperm entering the uterus, thus reducing the chances of pregnancy. Though, even Bayer claims that they are unsure of how Mirena really works.

In some women, Mirena can cause serious complications, including life-threatening ectopic pregnancy – pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus — perforation of the uterine wall, and a serious condition known as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Women who have suffered after using Mirena are pursuing legal action against Bayer Pharmaceuticals, claiming the device is defective and seeking compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Lawsuits have been filed in New Jersey, and Bayer petitioned the state’s Supreme Court to have the cases consolidated. That request was denied in January 2013.

Why People File Lawsuits Against

Lawsuits already filed accuse Bayer of misleading marketing, producing a defective product and failing to reveal the dangerous side effects of the device, such as spontaneous migration of the device and perforation of the uterus.  Specifically, Mirena’s label failed to warn doctors and consumers about these serious complications and described them as uncommon when a number of women have suffered from these adverse events. Plaintiffs who already filed lawsuits are also suing for punitive damages, claiming Bayer knowingly and willfully harmed them.

Complaints allege that Bayer:

  • Misrepresented the benefits of Mirena.
  • Failed to warn about dangerous side effects, including spontaneous migration of the device.
  • Understated the product’s complications as “uncommon.”
  • Engaged in deceptive marketing.
  • Breached implied and express warranty.
  • Concealed the harmful side effects of Mirena.
  • Failed to provide adequate warnings and instructions.
  • Produced and knowingly sold and distributed a defective product.
  • Designed a defective product.

Women who have experienced complications such as device migration or uterine perforations may consider filing a claim to receive compensation for medical expenses, as well as pain and suffering. An experienced Mirena attorney can provide advice on how to build a case, how to manage the process and what to expect from a claim.

A 24-year-old plaintiff filed a suit against Bayer for permanent physical injuries suffered as a result of the Mirena IUD. The plaintiff underwent surgery to remove the Mirena, but the device was no longer in her uterus. The device had migrated to her abdomen, and a separate surgery was required to remove it. She suffered painful side effects and incurred additional medical expenses because of the defective device. According to the complaint, the label on the product fails to warn that Mirena can spontaneously migrate in the body and falsely markets the device’s benefits.

Desaree Nicole Lee Johnson filed a suit against Bayer after she suffered from a perforation of the uterus when the Mirena IUD moved from her uterus to the abdomen near the liver. She underwent surgery to remove it and shortly after she became pregnant. However, she subsequently sought treatment in the emergency room because of vaginal bleeding and a miscarriage. The plaintiff is distressed because she may now be infertile as a result of Mirena. In her complaint, Johnson accuses Bayer of knowingly releasing a defective and unsafe product.

In another suit filed in California by Melody and Ronail Williams, the plaintiffs allege that Bayer is guilty of several actions, including negligent misrepresentation, fraud and failure to warn consumers of dangerous side effects. Melody Williams suffered from abdominal cramping and pain less than a year after being implanted with Mirena. The first attempt to remove the IUD was unsuccessful, and when a second surgery was attempted, doctors found that the device had “migrated though the opening of the plaintiff’s right fallopian tube.” As a result of Mirena, Melody Williams suffered from pain, infection and had to undergo numerous procedures. She accuses Bayer of negligence and “wanton and reckless disregard for the public safety.”

Mirena Side Effects

Mirena is at least 99 percent successful at preventing pregnancy, but it does not protect the user from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Despite some of the benefits of Mirena, there are also serious side effects that can occur in women who use it.

One of the biggest problems with Mirena is its tendency to move from the uterus, through the wall and into other parts of the body – usually the abdomen – and cause damage. Patients have reported incidences of perforation or penetration of the uterine wall after the implantation of Mirena. If the device penetrates the uterus, it can migrate into the intestinal cavity and cause further damage to internal organs, including abscesses, peritonitis, and obstructions or perforations of the intestines.

In studies, the IUD has been shown to migrate to the pelvis, and adhere to the internal layer of the uterine wall and even ovarian walls. What makes this dangerous is that the device is difficult to find and remove. Some women have had to undergo multiple surgeries to find and remove the device. Studies also found that the risk of uterine perforation is increased in women who use an IUD like Mirena up to 6 months after delivering a child.

FDA has Problems with Mirena

Bayer has also had problems with the FDA regarding Mirena. In reviewing the manufacturer’s script for advertising for the product, the FDA warned Bayer in a Dec. 30, 2009, letter that the company was in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The agency further stated that the advertising included false or misleading presentations and misbranded the drug.

According to the FDA, Bayer made false claims that the use of Mirena will result in “increased levels of intimacy, romance and by implication emotional satisfaction” when there is no evidence for this claim. In addition, Bayer falsely insinuated that women who use Mirena will “look and feel great,” even though women using the product may experience weight gain, back pain, breast pain and acne. The advertising also omits important instructions with regard to the use of the device. Bayer has also been warned for omitting risk information for complications.

Contact Sanders Phillips Grossman for a Free Case Review

Sanders Phillips Grossman is accepting cases for those injured by this product nationally. If you or someone you love has suffered a major complication due to the use of this product, it is important to know that you are not alone. Fill out the free case review and we will contact you to discuss your claim. Sanders Phillips Grossman has experienced lawyers ready to help you with your questions to get you the compensation you deserve. We have a no fee promise. If we do not win, you do not owe an attorney fee.

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